Fun, Friendly Wedding Ministers Serving San Diego, California
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Fun, Friendly San Diego Wedding Ministers!
Your Ceremony, Your Way!
Civil Wedding Ceremony
Greeting / Welcoming Words
You have come here today, GROOM and BRIDE, because you believe that by being together your lives will be better and more productive than they would be apart.
Should there be anyone who has just cause why this couple should not be united in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.
The Charge / Question of Intent
GROOM do you take BRIDE to be your Wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her forevermore? (I do)
BRIDE do you take GROOM to be your Husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him forevermore? (I do)
Wedding Vows
In honor of the solemn pledge you are about to make, and symbolizing its unbroken perpetuity, please join hands.
I, GROOM, take thee, BRIDE, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in joy and sorrow, I promise my love to you.
I, BRIDE, take thee GROOM, to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health , for richer or for poorer, in joy and sorrow, I promise my love to you.
Exchange of Wedding Rings
BRIDE, I give you this ring as my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. With this ring, I thee wed.
GROOM, I give you this ring as my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. With this ring, I thee wed.
Pronouncement as Husband and Wife
GROOM and BRIDE in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the joining of your hands and the giving of these rings, I now declare you to be husband and wife.
GROOM, you may kiss your Bride!
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. GROOM and BRIDE!