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Family Unity Sand Ceremony


A fun, easy way to include your children in your wedding ceremony, where each family member pours a different color sand into a decorative container, symbolizing the blending of the new family.


Family Sand Ceremony

As you have sealed your commitment to each other by the giving and receiving of your wedding rings, you too make a commitment to child(ren) and your family. We lovingly recognize the significant role these children play in this marriage being celebrated today.


Today, this beautiful family relationship is symbolized through the pouring of these individual containers of sand, each representing a member of this family. The separate bottles of sand symbolize your separate lives and experiences. They represent all that you were, all that you are and all that you’ll ever be as individuals.


As these containers of sand are poured into the common united family container, the individual containers of sand will no longer exist, but will be joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your new family be bonded together as one, forever.

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