Fun, Friendly Wedding Minister Serving San Diego, California
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Fun, Friendly San Diego Wedding Minister!
Your Ceremony, Your Way!
Wedding Renewal Vows
I, ________, again take you, ________, to be my wife/husband and best friend for the rest of our lives. I have known no other love like yours and I joyously re-pledge myself again to you, as I did (____) years ago. I will share with you all the good and all the bad of life.
I will rejoice in your strengths and encourage you and love you in spite of your weaknesses. I will cherish and respect you all the days of our life together. Starting anew once again, I give thanks that I have found you. May our marriage be a gift to the world and our families, as your love is a gift to me.
I, ________, again take you, ________, to embark upon our continuing journey of marriage. Through good times and bad, we have faithfully come this far. I ask your forgiveness for those things in which I have wronged you in the past. I thank you for loving me in spite of myself. And I pledge myself to you. I covenant with you to be your partner in sickness and health, wealth or poverty, good times and bad until the Lord comes to take us home, or we are parted by death. This is my vow to you.
Before these witnesses, I,___________, covenant again with you, _______________, to be your wife/husband and best friend for the rest of our lives. Our love for each other have brought us thus far. I further covenant to share with you in life’s challenges. I will nurse you in sickness, while rejoicing with you in health. I will help you carry the burdens of poverty, while sharing with you the benefits of wealth. I will encourage you during the bad times, while rejoicing with you in the good times. This solemn covenant I make with you on this day.
I,____, covenant with you, _______, to continue living together as one for the rest of our lives as husband and wife. I will speak to you in love, share my thoughts with you in love, and give my body, soul and mind to you in love. I will be kind to you, not envy you, nor be prideful or arrogant with you. I will seek to contribute to your happiness, laying selfish ambitions aside. I will believe in you and love you all the remaining days of my life. Give me grace to be a living picture of this solemn vow.
I, ____________, choose you again, _____________ to be my partner for the rest of our lives. Together, we will continue to make our way through joys and sorrows, knowing that we are stronger together than we ever were apart. I thank you for your acceptance of me through the years, whether I was displaying my assets or liabilities. I vow to love you unconditionally, laugh with you in joy, cry with you in sorrow, and be your biggest fan. I will continue to walk with you, My Love, for “the best is yet to come.
Love has brought us to this day, _____________. And that love has brought us before these witnesses to pledge ourselves anew to each other. I have lived with you in marriage for these past _____ years, and with joy, I vow to you the rest of my life to be your faithful wife/husband. Unlike our first covenant of marriage, I do not step into this blindly, but with hope. I have watched your life and I love the man/woman I have observed. So, with full knowledge of the person you are, I step into this renewed covenant with full knowledge, but still with hope. I give myself to you, _______, until death separates us.
Once before, I have stood with you before family and friends; once again, I take your hand as my partner. (Name), I take you this day, and for all days, as my (husband/wife).
I, __________, give to you, __________, a new promise, and yet not so new; a new (husband/wife), and yet not so new; and a new affirmation of love from the heart that has loved you for (__) years and will love you for as many more.
I, _________, choose to be with you still, ________, in the ups and downs of life. I choose to be with you in the laughter and tears of life. I choose to be with you, whether in the wealth or poverty of life. I choose to be with you whether you have the glow of health or the pallor of sickness.
I chose to be with you in our youth, and I now choose to be with you as we grow older. I choose to be with you while we have life and breath, and I choose to be with you even as you or I take our last breath. Until death separates us, My Love, I choose YOU!
Before these witnesses, I, ___________, take you, ___________, as my always-and-forever soul mate. The love you have given me unconditionally has reached into my heart and taken me captive. I have known no other love like yours and I joyously re-pledge myself again to you, as I did ____ years ago. I will share with you all the good and all the bad of life. I will rejoice in your strengths and encourage you and love you in spite of your weaknesses. I will love you the rest of my life, because it is my choice to do so. This is the covenant I make with you.
I, ______, choose you still, ___________, to be my friend, my confidant, my partner, and my wife/husband. We have been blessed these _____ years with a love that is rare and priceless. I vow to cherish and nurture this love. I will feed it with perseverance, honesty, and truth. And, when we are tested, I will remain true to you. I pledge myself to you in faith, hope, and love…but the greatest of these is love. This is my covenant with you, made before these witnesses.
______________, I am yours still. Through good times and bad, I am yours. Through the blessing of health, I am yours. Through the ravages of sickness, I am yours. When we rejoice in delirious laughter, I am yours. When life batters us and would leave us for dead, I am yours. When you are receiving standing ovations, I am yours. When all the world turns its back on you, I am yours. I make this vow to you. Help me honor this vow, because… I am Yours.
Our love has weathered good times and bad. We have rejoiced together and cried together. We have shared plenty and shared want. We have worked and played in vibrant health and nurtured each other during lingering sicknesses.
We have shared ourselves in a rich abundance of words and said our most important thoughts with a look, when not one word was spoken. We have been one, we are one, and we will be one until death separates us. This, _____________, is my solemn pledge to you.
You are mine, my love, and I am yours, as ordained by God from the beginning of time. God brought us together, kept us together.
You are God’s gift to me, my priceless treasure, my blessing for life. May God bless us as we come together before our family and friends to renew our pledge of love to one another, eternal.
I am proud to marry you on this day. I promise to wipe away your tears with my laughter and your pain with my caring and compassion. We will wipe clean the old canvases of our lives and let God, with His amazing artistic talent, fill them with new colors, harmony and beauty. I give myself to you completely, and I promise to love you always, from this day forth.
I believe in this marriage more strongly than ever. __________, it is with joy born of experience and trust that I commit myself once again to be your (husband/wife).